Suchergebnisse für Uhm

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
30 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Uhm?

It means a moment of pause for the person talking because they are thinking of what to say next.
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Was bedeutet uhm?

Uhm" doesn't mean anything. We call this a spacer word because it is used while you are talking but need a moment to think about what you are saying. It tells other people that you are still talkin...
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Was bedeutet uhm?

You know the sound you make when you think/ when you aren't able to think of a proper answer so you just type "uhm" out. "um" "uhm" "umm"
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Was bedeutet uhm HELLO KSJSK 😗✌?

@Asd2224 the “KSJSK” is just random letters we put together to make it seem like we are excited, ...
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? uhm

Suena como "Am". No se pronuncia la h.
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Bitte zeige mir Beispielsätze mit Well…
You know….

To be honest people who constantly say those things when speaking sound very unintelligent. You don't need those words to speak properly. Today I notice most younger people and even kids say "like"...
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Please, help me in my assignment. I can't speak in English fluently. Uhm, It says, 3 examples of ...

he, she, it
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Wie sagt man das auf Englisch (US)? uhm my name is destiny and how to say this in korean?

@axi21 내 이름은 운명이야
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Why do you, English speaking people, dislike fillers like 'uhm' in a conversation even with a non...

"uhm" and "uh" just make you sound more hesitant and they make you seem like you're nervous when speaking to someone. Of course, we don't dislike or hate it, but it just interrupts your speech patt...
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Does the woman say: "It's uhm.. thereabouts..."?
at 2:00:26

the video has a built in english subtitle that you can activate by clicking on the cc button in the upper right corner and at 2:00:26 the lady says " and it covers the most common things that stude...
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