Suchergebnisse für Unfortunately

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Übersetzung aus Englisch (US)
1.407 Ergebnisse

Was bedeutet Unfortunately ?

It means unluckily or regrettably. Unfortunately Sarah forgot an umbrella.
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Was bedeutet Unfortunately ?

Unfortunately is used to describe a situation or event that is unlucky or bad in some way. For example, "I wanted to go on a walk today, but unfortunately it is raining outside"
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Was bedeutet Unfortunately ?

it means without luck
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Was bedeutet Unfortunately ?

Unfortunately has to do with bad news. I was driving my new car and unfortunately I ran into a tree. Unfortunately, the package you are waiting for has not arrived yet.
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Was bedeutet Unfortunately ?

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Was bedeutet Unfortunately ?

not fortunately ( it is an opposite of Fortunately) it is used when you want to say that something didn't go well. Unfortunately there was an accident
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Was bedeutet [Unfortunately]?

Bad luck or something unpleasant or bad thing happened
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Was bedeutet Unfortunately, neither will your face.?

@yama__ yes that’s what it means. “You won’t see it coming” = “you won’t expect it”
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Unfortunately und Sadly ?

Unfortunately it rained all day. - I wanted to go play outside but couldn't. Sadly it rained all day. - The rain is depressing.
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Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Unfortunately und Sadly ?

Unfortunately: describes something that happens unluckily, or by mischance. Sadly: describes something which is very regrettable, a cause for sorrow. Sadly is more intense.
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