Suchergebnisse für Used

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Was bedeutet Used to
gets used to
be used to?

01. used to be = был когда-то 02. get used to = привыкнуть к чему-либо 03. to be used = быть испо...
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Was bedeutet Used to?

“Used to” represents a person’s familiarity with something. For example: I am used to drinking w...
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Was bedeutet Used to ?

your like something you know the feeling on that something for example you know how to cook and someone said youre good at it and you should say "im used to it" something like that
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Was bedeutet Used to?

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Was bedeutet Used to.... ?

Something that was true in the past but not nowadays. Example: I used to exercise a lot but nowadays I don't have time. I used to like him, but not anymore.
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Was bedeutet Used bookstore ?

A store that sells books which have been previously used/read by someone else.
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Was bedeutet Used to be your girl
Now I’m used to
being the GOAT?

I assume you are confused about the GOAT part. GOAT is an acronym and it means Greatest Of All Time. So it means I used to be your girl but now I am all great/important. Perhaps also implies she do...
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Was bedeutet "Used to be blue"?

feeling blue means feeling sad
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Was bedeutet Used to modify nouns ?

that means that it's an adjective, like 赤い going in front of a noun to say that it's red 多分形容詞です...
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Was bedeutet Used to be an athlete ?

was an athlete
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