Suchergebnisse für Using

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Was bedeutet what does using them in this pic mean ? Using animal ???

It's referring to the beaches. The animals that live on beaches are affected by the large numbers of people using [the beaches].
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Was bedeutet Using full disclosures?

It means you are being completely honest when you say something, and not hiding anything from the other person.
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Was bedeutet loophole
Using FDA looohole?

A loophole is an 'exception'. The FDA has a rule. There is a loophole (exception) to the rule.
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Was bedeutet Using words/phrases sparingly ?

Not using them too often. Use infrequently
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Was bedeutet Using a calming noise machine?

There is something called "white noise" that can run in the background and help a person relax. Somehow I think it fools the brain into a different state. For example, at night in the summer I have...
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Was bedeutet Using the savings from reduced overhead?

「経費削減で省けた金銭を使って…」 from reduced overhead が savings を修飾しています。 つまり、直訳すると「削減された経費からできた貯え」というような言い回しです。
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Was bedeutet Using the restaurant for the after party.?

You have meeting, afterwards you go to the restaurant for the a party
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Was bedeutet "Using good judgment" and "Little did I realize"?

"Using good judgment" means making wise and sensible decisions based on careful consideration of the available information, circumstances, and potential consequences. It involves applying critical ...
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Was bedeutet Using "ser" with adjectives for inherent, innate or essential characteristics.?

固有特性の形容詞に関して「ser」を使う 固有特性の形容詞とは、「alto (背が高い)」と「japonés (日本人の)」と「rubio (金髪の)」のような形容詞です。 感情じゃないです。
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Should I say:
Using more solar pannels.
Using solar pannels more.

@rosy_choy This is surprisingly difficult for me to answer, but it is probably just me. Part of me thinks both could work, I think that will be my final answer. In this context, both sentences co...
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